Version 1 of the World Historical Gazetteer is Live


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Funded by a three-year National Endowment for the Humanities research grant, version 1 of the World Historical Gazetteer is live. The project has been led by World History Center Director and Principal Investigator Ruth Mostern, Technical Director Karl Grossman, and Digital World History Postdoctoral Fellow Susan Grunewald. This version contains approximately 60,000 temporally scoped place records in its index with additions planned for the near future. The WHG also contains millions of non-temporally scoped names.  The geographic scope of the project is global and the temporal scale is roughly the span of written history. The WHG gives place names a home in space and time.

The WHG is useful for anyone concerned with the history of place or series of places. Researchers, teachers and students can all find the WHG useful in their scholarship. For more information check out the WHG blog.